When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

                                                                                      -Wendell Berry

The times they are a-changing…… or so says Bob Dylan, and these words certainly have started to ring true after nearly two months of strict lockdown in South Africa. 

Covid19 has ushered in a very extraordinary experience across the globe which has allowed us all to reflect on life as we know it, in our own personal spaces and places. 

It has given mother nature a much needed break from the perils of over population, consumption and pollution, and it is my greatest wish that when this surreal time subsides and recedes, humanity will respect mother nature with a renewed heart, full of reverence, which will inform the change that is required to bring about a new way of walking through the world. I am optimistic.

My beautiful gallery in Cape Town which is a showcase of my passion for beloved Africa and her wildlife is obviously closed, until lockdown and the international travel ban is lifted, and it is my wish that the framed images that adorn the walls find homes across the globe to inspire those that feel the same reverence for the beauty and majesty of our planet, especially Africa.

The large FRAMED pieces I am discounting to the current large PRINT price of $1600/€1500/£1300 (i.e I am covering the framing) and to ship a large framed piece to anywhere in the world I will charge a standard rate of  $700$/€650/£570 which is a huge saving on what the shipping will actually cost. International shipping will imminently resume and hopefully the framed image could be with you within 6 weeks.

Shipping of unframed prints can be facilitated at a cost of $135/€125/£110 to anywhere in the world and all of the below images are also available as unframed prints. There are only a couple of editions left of each image below, so do act fast.

Please visit my website to view additional new prints on offer at the aforementioned prices, as well as smaller sizes.

I hope that they will find beautiful homes with beautiful people who love to be reminded of Africa’s essential beauty and indomitable spirit. 

May you remain safe and well, wherever you are in the world – and thank you for your support and reverence for Mother Earth. I hope to see you in Africa again soon. She needs you now, more than ever before, to contribute to the preservation and conservation of her wild places.
